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Progress check - April 2021

Writer's picture: Molli StrandbergMolli Strandberg

Hello friends! It is April, and spring is in full swing! Minnesota didn't really get the memo with the 30º temperatures and snowy mornings so far this month, but regardless, warmer weather is coming and that makes me so happy!

For a little check-in on my wellness, I thought another progress post was overdue! If you missed this, I have been strength training on and off since January 2021, and if this interests you, take a look back at the posts in the health & wellness category to get up to speed! The short version is that through Madeline Moves Tighter Together challenge, I got more comfortable with at home/in the gym strength training workouts, and it was the launching pad for the months that have followed of intentionally caring for my body more than I have in years.

After a few week hiatus in Feb/March, I got back into my strength training workouts while also integrating running (something that used to bring me so much peace and joy!) into my routine. The results physically & mentally have been incredible. I have not felt healthier & happier in my body in a long time!

So looking at these pictures I am not seeing significant muscle gain (which is fine! just because it is not visible doesn't mean it doesn't exist), but I do see some significant fat loss.

Before I go any further I just want to make one statement that might shock people: weight is not everything, in fact, I weigh the same in all 3 photos. I know that is hard to believe, as I look significantly heavier in the january photos than I do in the april photos, but I am the exact same weight. I share this to say that just because your weight may not be changing, does not mean you are not making progress toward your health or your physical goals. I was baffled when I weighed myself and it had not changed by even a pound, but I look and feel so much healthier.

Anywho, the deets are as follows:

What I am doing:

  • Running 1-2 miles 3-5 times per week

  • Strength training 2-3 days a week, targeting one muscle group per workout

  • Prioritizing solid core work, as this will help me to become a better runner

  • Not eating super "healthy" intentionally, but am seeing myself making better food choices

  • Allowing myself to rest when needed

Changes I have noticed:

  • I have more energy

  • I actually crave my workouts (ex: after a long day I just feel the need to move my body to clear my head, a healthy coping mechanism!)

  • I feel stronger and more capable in other areas of my life unrelated to fitness

  • I feel confident and calmer in my day-to-day life

  • I sleep well

  • I have more motivation in other areas of my life

Things I want to work on:

  • Working out without feeling uncomfortable at the gym

  • Combining a strength training workout with a run to maximize progress

  • Increase running distance (specific goal: 4 miles by the end of May.)

  • Run 4 - 6 days per week

  • Overall dedicate myself more fully, eating better and setting specific goals


I hope these results are an encouragement to you that you do not need a crazy plan or fancy diet or workout regimen to see amazing results and feel a heck of a lot healthier. A lot of the time, the basics are what produce the greatest results, both physically and mentally. I hope this encourages you to get moving. We are capable of accomplishing great things!

you are blessed. you are gifted. you are loved and appreciated, just as you are.

mindfully, molli

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