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Book Review: Girl Wash Your Face

Updated: Apr 5, 2020

Goodness gracious, if you are looking for a good book to read this quarantine, this is a great place to start! I am a big fan of Rachel Hollis, listening to her podcast Rise on the regular. I absolutely adore this book, and think it is such a necessary read for every young woman as she tries to navigate who she is, what she stands for, and what direction she wants to take her life. A real honest look at what womanhood looks like, the common struggles we will all face at some point in our lives, and the necessary reminder that we are never alone in these struggles.

Hollis discusses 20 lies she has told herself, many of which I guarantee most women have told themselves, or will find themselves believing throughout their life, and how she debunked each of them, proving to herself that she is not defined by them, or anything else she does not claim for herself. Each chapter (20 in total) is titled by a lie, with the chapter discussing why Hollis came to believe the lie, what it has meant for her in her life, how she has overcome or is currently working to overcome it, and how it has been turned to even benefit her life. Each lie included in the book includes:

  • Something Else Will Make Me Happy

  • I’ll Start Tomorrow

  • I’m Not Good Enough

  • I’m Better Than You

  • Loving Him Is Enough for Me

  • No Is the Final Answer

  • I’m Bad at Sex

  • I Don’t Know How to Be a Mom

  • I’m Not a Good Mom

  • I Should Be Further Along by Now

  • Other People’s Kids Are So Much Cleaner/Better Organized/More Polite

  • I Need to Make Myself Smaller

  • I’m Going to Marry Matt Damon

  • I’m a Terrible Writer

  • I Will Never Get Past This

  • I Can’t Tell the Truth

  • I Am Defined By My Weight

  • I Need a Drink

  • There’s Only One Right Way to Be

  • I Need a Hero

Hollis tackles each of these in a relatable, realistic way, making the reader feel understood and in good company in their own personal battle with these lies. Rachel Hollis makes herself approachable, authentic, and inclusive through the telling of her stories throughout the chapters of this book, making every woman feel heard through her stories. This book is a must-read, and if you haven't read it yet, order the dang thing off amazon right now and get reading! If you are looking for a book to motivate you, build your confidence, help you to find your voice, and give you a place to belong, this book is for you.

For me personally, this book hit at many thoughts I have had in my own life about myself, helping me to navigate through them, alongside someone who is going through the same things. It provides solidarity between women, showing that no matter what lies you have consuming your head and heart right now, they will not define who and what you can be. Pushing past these lies has only made Hollis stronger, helping her to relate to more women and help them through the struggles in their own lives, and it will do the same for you.

Proving that no matter what your internal dialogue is, you are in community with millions of other women, able to conquer any giant you might face, alongside one of the most prominent and influential women in the world. Rachel is a fantastic writer, speaker, and influencer, a fantastic role model, and an example of the kind of woman many aspire to be.

Although the title confused me to be honest, after I thought about the content of the book, I realized it was absolutely genius. Girl, wash your face! Wake up to the reality that you are the only one who can take control of your life and make it what you want it to be. A brilliant title, to a brilliant book, by an absolutely brilliant woman.

Give her instagram a follow @msrachelhollis, go read her blog, pick up her books, and take the time to get to know this woman and join her tribe!

you are blessed. you are gifted. you are loved and appreciated, just as you are.

mindfully, molli

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