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10 things you can do in self-quarantine

Writer's picture: Molli StrandbergMolli Strandberg

Updated: Apr 5, 2020

Hey everyone, although it is not fun that we are having to stay in our houses, it is so important. I think this coronavirus pandemic, although awful and unsettling, can teach us all a good lesson in selflessness and community. I know the majority of the people reading this are under the age of 60, heck, probably mostly under 30. The majority of you probably don't have an underlying health problem that makes you vulnerable to the virus. But my goodness, it is not about you. It is about someone's baby who is vulnerable, your friend who has asthma and you never knew, someone's grandparent who will be exposed because of your recklessness and selfishness of not staying home. Please do not go anywhere that is not necessary, please to not buy out more than you will use of food, toilet paper, soap, etc. because the reality is that you are taking those things away from the people who need it much more than you. You could be exposing people who are much vulnerable than you. You may be taking your health for granted. Please stay home, especially for those who do not have the choice to do so, or for those whose life depends on it.

On that note, there are so many positives that can be taken from staying home, and I will give you a list of 10 things that you can do to use this time to improve, be better, and come out of this quarantine in a better and healthier state!

1. Read a book: This is the perfect time to read the book you have been wanting to read that you have not had time to. Reading is compliant with social distancing, and can be very therapeutic for feeling less lonely, and increases feelings of productivity and happiness. Books I have read and loved include: Kisses From Katie, The Book Thief, Girl Meets Change, Girl Wash Your Face, Uninvited, and It's Not Supposed To Be This Way.

Books I am looking forward to reading over the next few weeks: Own Your Everyday, Girl Stop Apologizing, Stories That Stick, and Get Out Of Your Own Way.

I absolutely love reading! I will be finishing one (or more) of these books during this quarantine, and they are all available on Amazon, so you do not have to have human contact to purchase any of them! These are some of my favorite books by cover, and I promise any of these books listed will leave you changed when you close their covers. Use this time to improve yourself, and one of the best ways to do that is to dive into the lives and stories of others.

2. Take some time for yourself: This is something that people often neglect in their every day lives. Now you have time. So do something for yourself, whether that is doing a facial, painting your nails, taking a bath, sleeping in an hour later, or getting up an hour earlier. Do something that you love to do, for your mindset, your health, and your happiness, that regularly scheduled programming does not allow you to do enough. Do yourself a favor, show yourself some love. Social isolation is the perfect time to love on who you are with: yourself. You can also order facials on Amazon if you don't have any on hand, but I always keep a couple in my room just in case I need it, something I recommend.

Other things you can do for yourself that are simple and easy to integrate without going out and buying anything: journal, pray, meditate, start that bible journaling/reflection you have been putting off, or anything else that makes you happy! Now is the time to prioritize your happiness.

3. Go through your clutter: Being locked up with nothing to do and no one to see is the perfect time to go through your home, your closet, or your storage room to decide what to keep and what to donate. This is the ultimate time to spring clean. Imagine how much clarity, and how little clutter your life will have if you dedicate just a few days of this quarantine to clean out one area of your home each day. And think of how good you will feel knowing you gave to someone else, someone who is not fortunate enough to have what you don't want anymore. Give in this time, and with it, you will gain so much, by losing what is cluttering your space.

4. Bake something: I love to bake, but I am never home long enough to make the things I really like! Bake some cookies, muffins, cake, or bread. Try out that recipe you have been dying to try but haven't had time for, or the recipe that takes all day to finish. Pictured are lemon-poppyseed muffins from a mix I had in my pantry that I hadn't had a chance to bake. It doesn't have to be extravagant or impressive; simple things can be often be just as fulfilling. You could give my banana-oat pancakes a try, with instructions in my previous post on them!

5. Make something to make you healthier, more sustainable, or to better your home: Such as this homemade laundry detergent. This detergent lasts forever! All of the ingredients are available for online order, and although it takes time to make, you have time now! Try out the recipe to see how you like it, and it will last you far past the quarantine. Cheap, simple, and clean. Instructions can be found in my previous blog post on it!

6. Learn how to do something new: There are many institutions that are offering free classes right now, and youtube has so many free resources to step-by-step teach you how to do things. Take a class to learn something new, such as photography, knitting, playing an instrument, or something to refresh your memory such as review courses on Human Anatomy, Microbiology, or Psychology (for nursing students). And for those of us who are still in school, focus on your online coursework, and respect those who are still in school. Although it feels like a vacation since colleges have switched to online, we all still have coursework, so do not neglect to do it or put it on the back burner! Learn something fun though, this is your chance to learn what you want, when you have time to commit to it!

7. Snuggle up with a furry friend: Your pets are so happy to have you home! Use this time to snuggle up with them, something you don't get to do on the regular. For those of us lacking human contact, a pet is the next best alternative. Heck, honestly they are an even better companion than an actual person in my opinion! They are the best listeners, can help you combat loneliness during this time, and spending time with them is in compliance with social distancing. They are happy to have you home, and want you to stay healthy, so stay home and keep them company, they love you and will help you stay happier and healthier!

8. Exercise: Now I know the gyms are closing and people are all really sad, especially the dedicated gym rats! But for those of us who are trying to get into shape, maybe you don't want to go to the gym to try out that exercise. Go out and run (socially distant to others), do those ab, leg, back, or other workout that you want to try in the comfort of your own home. No audience, no people around even, and nowhere to be. Now is the time to get yourself into a routine, falling in love with moving your body, so you will integrate it back into your schedule after this quarantine ends. Just in time for summer, adopt a hobby and routine to increase your health, happiness, and confidence. You can do it, and there is no better time than now.

9. Support business and the economy: Order gift cards from small businesses to spend after this quarantine ends. Order takeout from restaurants, and tip them like you would if you dined-in. Order online, as you will not have to leave your house, and then leave a goody-bag of hand sanitizer, packaged foods such as candy or granola bars, and a sweet note to thank your mailman or delivery person. Supporting these businesses now will ensure you can enjoy their products later, helping them to still gain revenue in this time when most businesses are taking massive hits and losses. Do your part to support the businesses and people you love. They need it now more than ever.

10. Appreciate the things you still have: I had groceries. My roommate had bought fresh eucalyptus. We had our plants, our roommates, our home to keep us company, protect us, sustain us. We all had the ability to go home to families who love us. We may not have our college graduation, we may not be able to see any of our friends, we may not be able to celebrate and spend time with those we have met along the way, people we have grown in love and friendship alongside for the last 4 years, but we are fortunate enough to be healthy. We are fortunate to have people willing to report to work and care for the people affected. We are fortunate enough to not be going through this pandemic alone. So make the smoothie from the frozen fruit in your freezer. Enjoy the life around you. If anything, this pandemic will teach us that we are not in control, that tomorrow is not promised to us.

Catch up on laundry, clean your dang house top to bottom, do a DIY project, build or create something new, and call your friends. Check in on others, because lots of people are getting lonely, depressed, and disappointed by the world-climate. If anyone is feeling lonely, I am always here, and I promise others in your life are too. No one is too far away to care for each other. Care for yourself, the people you love, and even strangers. We are all in this together, and I promise this too shall pass. Use this time to its potential, knowing that sometime soon it will end, and on the other side, I hope we all come out a little better, a little more loving, and a little more appreciative for the lives we have. Let this quarantine teach you that life is ever-changing, so embrace the moments you have while they're here. Happy distancing my friends, although we are apart, we are not all that far from one another.

you are blessed. you are gifted. you are loved and appreciated, just as you are.

mindfully, molli

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